Training Logistic Regression via Stochastic Gradient Ascent

The goal of this notebook is to implement a logistic regression classifier using stochastic gradient ascent. You will:

  • Extract features from Amazon product reviews.
  • Convert an SFrame into a NumPy array.
  • Write a function to compute the derivative of log likelihood function with respect to a single coefficient.
  • Implement stochastic gradient ascent.
  • Compare convergence of stochastic gradient ascent with that of batch gradient ascent.

In [49]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Load and process review dataset

For this assignment, we will use the same subset of the Amazon product review dataset that we used in Module 3 assignment. The subset was chosen to contain similar numbers of positive and negative reviews, as the original dataset consisted of mostly positive reviews.

In [2]:
products = pd.read_csv('amazon_baby_subset.csv')

In [3]:
with open('important_words.json') as important_words_file:    
    important_words = json.load(important_words_file)
print important_words[:3]

[u'baby', u'one', u'great']

Just like we did previously, we will work with a hand-curated list of important words extracted from the review data. We will also perform 2 simple data transformations:

  1. Remove punctuation using Python's built-in string manipulation functionality.
  2. Compute word counts (only for the important_words)

Refer to Module 3 assignment for more details.

In [4]:
products = products.fillna({'review':''})  # fill in N/A's in the review column

def remove_punctuation(text):
    import string
    return text.translate(None, string.punctuation) 

products['review_clean'] = products['review'].apply(remove_punctuation)

name review rating sentiment review_clean
0 Stop Pacifier Sucking without tears with Thumb... All of my kids have cried non-stop when I trie... 5 1 All of my kids have cried nonstop when I tried...
1 Nature's Lullabies Second Year Sticker Calendar We wanted to get something to keep track of ou... 5 1 We wanted to get something to keep track of ou...
2 Nature's Lullabies Second Year Sticker Calendar My daughter had her 1st baby over a year ago. ... 5 1 My daughter had her 1st baby over a year ago S...

In [5]:
for word in important_words:
    products[word] = products['review_clean'].apply(lambda s : s.split().count(word))

The SFrame products now contains one column for each of the 193 important_words.

In [6]:

0    0
1    0
2    0
Name: perfect, dtype: int64

In [9]:

name review rating sentiment review_clean baby one great love use ... seems picture completely wish buying babies won tub almost either
0 Stop Pacifier Sucking without tears with Thumb... All of my kids have cried non-stop when I trie... 5 1 All of my kids have cried nonstop when I tried... 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Nature's Lullabies Second Year Sticker Calendar We wanted to get something to keep track of ou... 5 1 We wanted to get something to keep track of ou... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 rows × 198 columns

Split data into training and validation sets

We will now split the data into a 90-10 split where 90% is in the training set and 10% is in the validation set. We use seed=1 so that everyone gets the same result.

In [10]:
with open('module-10-assignment-train-idx.json') as train_data_file:    
    train_data_idx = json.load(train_data_file)
with open('module-10-assignment-validation-idx.json') as validation_data_file:    
    validation_data_idx = json.load(validation_data_file)

print train_data_idx[:3]
print validation_data_idx[:3]

[0, 1, 2]
[9, 14, 18]

In [11]:
train_data = products.iloc[train_data_idx]

name review rating sentiment review_clean baby one great love use ... seems picture completely wish buying babies won tub almost either
0 Stop Pacifier Sucking without tears with Thumb... All of my kids have cried non-stop when I trie... 5 1 All of my kids have cried nonstop when I tried... 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Nature's Lullabies Second Year Sticker Calendar We wanted to get something to keep track of ou... 5 1 We wanted to get something to keep track of ou... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 rows × 198 columns

In [12]:
validation_data = products.iloc[validation_data_idx]

name review rating sentiment review_clean baby one great love use ... seems picture completely wish buying babies won tub almost either
9 Cloth Diaper Pins Stainless Steel Traditional ... It has been many years since we needed diaper ... 5 1 It has been many years since we needed diaper ... 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Neurosmith - Music Blocks with Mozart Music Ca... My daughter started playing with her Music Blo... 5 1 My daughter started playing with her Music Blo... 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 rows × 198 columns

In [13]:
print 'Training set  : %d data points' % len(train_data)
print 'Validation set: %d data points' % len(validation_data)

Training set  : 47780 data points
Validation set: 5292 data points

Convert SFrame to NumPy array

Just like in the earlier assignments, we provide you with a function that extracts columns from an SFrame and converts them into a NumPy array. Two arrays are returned: one representing features and another representing class labels.

Note: The feature matrix includes an additional column 'intercept' filled with 1's to take account of the intercept term.

In [14]:
def get_numpy_data(dataframe, features, label):
    dataframe['constant'] = 1
    features = ['constant'] + features
    features_frame = dataframe[features]
    feature_matrix = features_frame.as_matrix()
    label_sarray = dataframe[label]
    label_array = label_sarray.as_matrix()
    return(feature_matrix, label_array)

In [15]:
feature_matrix_train, sentiment_train = get_numpy_data(train_data, important_words, 'sentiment')
feature_matrix_valid, sentiment_valid = get_numpy_data(validation_data, important_words, 'sentiment')

C:\Users\SSQ\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python27\site-packages\ipykernel\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app

In [16]:
print feature_matrix_train.shape
print feature_matrix_valid.shape

(47780L, 194L)
(5292L, 194L)

Note that we convert both the training and validation sets into NumPy arrays.

Warning: This may take a few minutes.

Are you running this notebook on an Amazon EC2 t2.micro instance? (If you are using your own machine, please skip this section)

It has been reported that t2.micro instances do not provide sufficient power to complete the conversion in acceptable amount of time. For interest of time, please refrain from running get_numpy_data function. Instead, download the binary file containing the four NumPy arrays you'll need for the assignment. To load the arrays, run the following commands:

arrays = np.load('module-10-assignment-numpy-arrays.npz')
feature_matrix_train, sentiment_train = arrays['feature_matrix_train'], arrays['sentiment_train']
feature_matrix_valid, sentiment_valid = arrays['feature_matrix_valid'], arrays['sentiment_valid']

Quiz Question: In Module 3 assignment, there were 194 features (an intercept + one feature for each of the 193 important words). In this assignment, we will use stochastic gradient ascent to train the classifier using logistic regression. How does the changing the solver to stochastic gradient ascent affect the number of features?

Building on logistic regression

Let us now build on Module 3 assignment. Recall from lecture that the link function for logistic regression can be defined as:

$$ P(y_i = +1 | \mathbf{x}_i,\mathbf{w}) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-\mathbf{w}^T h(\mathbf{x}_i))}, $$

where the feature vector $h(\mathbf{x}_i)$ is given by the word counts of important_words in the review $\mathbf{x}_i$.

We will use the same code as in Module 3 assignment to make probability predictions, since this part is not affected by using stochastic gradient ascent as a solver. Only the way in which the coefficients are learned is affected by using stochastic gradient ascent as a solver.

In [17]:
feature_matrix: N * D(intercept term included)
coefficients: D * 1
predictions: N * 1
produces probablistic estimate for P(y_i = +1 | x_i, w).
estimate ranges between 0 and 1.

def predict_probability(feature_matrix, coefficients):
    # Take dot product of feature_matrix and coefficients  
    score =, coefficients) # N * 1
    # Compute P(y_i = +1 | x_i, w) using the link function
    predictions = 1.0/(1+np.exp(-score))
    # return predictions
    return predictions

Derivative of log likelihood with respect to a single coefficient

Let us now work on making minor changes to how the derivative computation is performed for logistic regression.

Recall from the lectures and Module 3 assignment that for logistic regression, the derivative of log likelihood with respect to a single coefficient is as follows:

$$ \frac{\partial\ell}{\partial w_j} = \sum_{i=1}^N h_j(\mathbf{x}_i)\left(\mathbf{1}[y_i = +1] - P(y_i = +1 | \mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{w})\right) $$

In Module 3 assignment, we wrote a function to compute the derivative of log likelihood with respect to a single coefficient $w_j$. The function accepts the following two parameters:

  • errors vector containing $(\mathbf{1}[y_i = +1] - P(y_i = +1 | \mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{w}))$ for all $i$
  • feature vector containing $h_j(\mathbf{x}_i)$ for all $i$

Complete the following code block:

In [45]:
errors: N * 1
feature: N * 1
derivative: 1 
def feature_derivative(errors, feature):     
    # Compute the dot product of errors and feature
    derivative =, feature)
    # Return the derivative
    return derivative

Note. We are not using regularization in this assignment, but, as discussed in the optional video, stochastic gradient can also be used for regularized logistic regression.

To verify the correctness of the gradient computation, we provide a function for computing average log likelihood (which we recall from the last assignment was a topic detailed in an advanced optional video, and used here for its numerical stability).

To track the performance of stochastic gradient ascent, we provide a function for computing average log likelihood.

$$\ell\ell_A(\mathbf{w}) = \color{red}{\frac{1}{N}} \sum_{i=1}^N \Big( (\mathbf{1}[y_i = +1] - 1)\mathbf{w}^T h(\mathbf{x}_i) - \ln\left(1 + \exp(-\mathbf{w}^T h(\mathbf{x}_i))\right) \Big) $$

Note that we made one tiny modification to the log likelihood function (called compute_log_likelihood) in our earlier assignments. We added a $\color{red}{1/N}$ term which averages the log likelihood accross all data points. The $\color{red}{1/N}$ term makes it easier for us to compare stochastic gradient ascent with batch gradient ascent. We will use this function to generate plots that are similar to those you saw in the lecture.

In [29]:
def compute_avg_log_likelihood(feature_matrix, sentiment, coefficients):

    indicator = (sentiment==+1)
    scores =, coefficients)
    logexp = np.log(1. + np.exp(-scores))
    # scores.shape (53072L, 1L)
    # indicator.shape (53072L,)
    # Simple check to prevent overflow
    mask = np.isinf(logexp)
    logexp[mask] = -scores[mask]   
    lp = np.sum( ( indicator.reshape(scores.shape)-1 )*scores - logexp )/len(feature_matrix)   
    return lp

Quiz Question: Recall from the lecture and the earlier assignment, the log likelihood (without the averaging term) is given by

$$\ell\ell(\mathbf{w}) = \sum_{i=1}^N \Big( (\mathbf{1}[y_i = +1] - 1)\mathbf{w}^T h(\mathbf{x}_i) - \ln\left(1 + \exp(-\mathbf{w}^T h(\mathbf{x}_i))\right) \Big) $$

How are the functions $\ell\ell(\mathbf{w})$ and $\ell\ell_A(\mathbf{w})$ related?

Modifying the derivative for stochastic gradient ascent

Recall from the lecture that the gradient for a single data point $\color{red}{\mathbf{x}_i}$ can be computed using the following formula:

$$ \frac{\partial\ell_{\color{red}{i}}(\mathbf{w})}{\partial w_j} = h_j(\color{red}{\mathbf{x}_i})\left(\mathbf{1}[y_\color{red}{i} = +1] - P(y_\color{red}{i} = +1 | \color{red}{\mathbf{x}_i}, \mathbf{w})\right) $$

Computing the gradient for a single data point

Do we really need to re-write all our code to modify $\partial\ell(\mathbf{w})/\partial w_j$ to $\partial\ell_{\color{red}{i}}(\mathbf{w})/{\partial w_j}$?

Thankfully No!. Using NumPy, we access $\mathbf{x}_i$ in the training data using feature_matrix_train[i:i+1,:] and $y_i$ in the training data using sentiment_train[i:i+1]. We can compute $\partial\ell_{\color{red}{i}}(\mathbf{w})/\partial w_j$ by re-using all the code written in feature_derivative and predict_probability.

We compute $\partial\ell_{\color{red}{i}}(\mathbf{w})/\partial w_j$ using the following steps:

  • First, compute $P(y_i = +1 | \mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{w})$ using the predict_probability function with feature_matrix_train[i:i+1,:] as the first parameter.
  • Next, compute $\mathbf{1}[y_i = +1]$ using sentiment_train[i:i+1].
  • Finally, call the feature_derivative function with feature_matrix_train[i:i+1, j] as one of the parameters.

Let us follow these steps for j = 1 and i = 10:

In [20]:
j = 1                        # Feature number
i = 10                       # Data point number
coefficients = np.zeros(194) # A point w at which we are computing the gradient.

predictions = predict_probability(feature_matrix_train[i:i+1,:], coefficients)
indicator = (sentiment_train[i:i+1]==+1)

errors = indicator - predictions        
gradient_single_data_point = feature_derivative(errors, feature_matrix_train[i:i+1,j])
print "Gradient single data point: %s" % gradient_single_data_point
print "           --> Should print 0.0"

Gradient single data point: 0.0
           --> Should print 0.0

Quiz Question: The code block above computed $\partial\ell_{\color{red}{i}}(\mathbf{w})/{\partial w_j}$ for j = 1 and i = 10. Is $\partial\ell_{\color{red}{i}}(\mathbf{w})/{\partial w_j}$ a scalar or a 194-dimensional vector?


Modifying the derivative for using a batch of data points

Stochastic gradient estimates the ascent direction using 1 data point, while gradient uses $N$ data points to decide how to update the the parameters. In an optional video, we discussed the details of a simple change that allows us to use a mini-batch of $B \leq N$ data points to estimate the ascent direction. This simple approach is faster than regular gradient but less noisy than stochastic gradient that uses only 1 data point. Although we encorage you to watch the optional video on the topic to better understand why mini-batches help stochastic gradient, in this assignment, we will simply use this technique, since the approach is very simple and will improve your results.

Given a mini-batch (or a set of data points) $\mathbf{x}_{i}, \mathbf{x}_{i+1} \ldots \mathbf{x}_{i+B}$, the gradient function for this mini-batch of data points is given by: $$ \color{red}{\sum_{s = i}^{i+B}} \frac{\partial\ell_{s}}{\partial w_j} = \color{red}{\sum_{s = i}^{i + B}} h_j(\mathbf{x}_s)\left(\mathbf{1}[y_s = +1] - P(y_s = +1 | \mathbf{x}_s, \mathbf{w})\right) $$

Computing the gradient for a "mini-batch" of data points

Using NumPy, we access the points $\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_{i+1} \ldots \mathbf{x}_{i+B}$ in the training data using feature_matrix_train[i:i+B,:] and $y_i$ in the training data using sentiment_train[i:i+B].

We can compute $\color{red}{\sum_{s = i}^{i+B}} \partial\ell_{s}/\partial w_j$ easily as follows:

In [21]:
j = 1                        # Feature number
i = 10                       # Data point start
B = 10                       # Mini-batch size
coefficients = np.zeros(194) # A point w at which we are computing the gradient.

predictions = predict_probability(feature_matrix_train[i:i+B,:], coefficients)
indicator = (sentiment_train[i:i+B]==+1)

errors = indicator - predictions        
gradient_mini_batch = feature_derivative(errors, feature_matrix_train[i:i+B,j])
print "Gradient mini-batch data points: %s" % gradient_mini_batch
print "                --> Should print 1.0"

Gradient mini-batch data points: 1.0
                --> Should print 1.0

Quiz Question: The code block above computed $\color{red}{\sum_{s = i}^{i+B}}\partial\ell_{s}(\mathbf{w})/{\partial w_j}$ for j = 10, i = 10, and B = 10. Is this a scalar or a 194-dimensional vector?

Quiz Question: For what value of B is the term $\color{red}{\sum_{s = 1}^{B}}\partial\ell_{s}(\mathbf{w})/\partial w_j$ the same as the full gradient $\partial\ell(\mathbf{w})/{\partial w_j}$? Hint: consider the training set we are using now.


(47780L, 194L)

Averaging the gradient across a batch

It is a common practice to normalize the gradient update rule by the batch size B:

$$ \frac{\partial\ell_{\color{red}{A}}(\mathbf{w})}{\partial w_j} \approx \color{red}{\frac{1}{B}} {\sum_{s = i}^{i + B}} h_j(\mathbf{x}_s)\left(\mathbf{1}[y_s = +1] - P(y_s = +1 | \mathbf{x}_s, \mathbf{w})\right) $$

In other words, we update the coefficients using the average gradient over data points (instead of using a summation). By using the average gradient, we ensure that the magnitude of the gradient is approximately the same for all batch sizes. This way, we can more easily compare various batch sizes of stochastic gradient ascent (including a batch size of all the data points), and study the effect of batch size on the algorithm as well as the choice of step size.

Implementing stochastic gradient ascent

Now we are ready to implement our own logistic regression with stochastic gradient ascent. Complete the following function to fit a logistic regression model using gradient ascent:

In [43]:
from math import sqrt
def logistic_regression_SG(feature_matrix, sentiment, initial_coefficients, step_size, batch_size, max_iter):
    log_likelihood_all = []

    # make sure it's a numpy array
    coefficients = np.array(initial_coefficients)
    # set seed=1 to produce consistent results
    # Shuffle the data before starting
    permutation = np.random.permutation(len(feature_matrix))
    feature_matrix = feature_matrix[permutation,:]
    sentiment = sentiment[permutation]

    i = 0 # index of current batch
    # Do a linear scan over data
    for itr in xrange(max_iter):
        # Predict P(y_i = +1|x_i,w) using your predict_probability() function
        # Make sure to slice the i-th row of feature_matrix with [i:i+batch_size,:]
        ### YOUR CODE HERE
        predictions = predict_probability(feature_matrix[i:(i+batch_size),:], coefficients)

        # Compute indicator value for (y_i = +1)
        # Make sure to slice the i-th entry with [i:i+batch_size]
        ### YOUR CODE HERE
        indicator = (sentiment[i:i+batch_size]==+1)

        # Compute the errors as indicator - predictions
        errors = indicator - predictions
        for j in xrange(len(coefficients)): # loop over each coefficient
            # Recall that feature_matrix[:,j] is the feature column associated with coefficients[j]
            # Compute the derivative for coefficients[j] and save it to derivative.
            # Make sure to slice the i-th row of feature_matrix with [i:i+batch_size,j]
            ### YOUR CODE HERE
            derivative = feature_derivative(errors, feature_matrix[i:i+batch_size,j]) 
                  # Compute the product of the step size, the derivative, and
            # the **normalization constant** (1./batch_size)
            ### YOUR CODE HERE
            coefficients[j] += step_size * derivative * 1. / batch_size

        # Checking whether log likelihood is increasing
        # Print the log likelihood over the *current batch*
        lp = compute_avg_log_likelihood(feature_matrix[i:i+batch_size,:], sentiment[i:i+batch_size],
        if itr <= 15 or (itr <= 1000 and itr % 100 == 0) or (itr <= 10000 and itr % 1000 == 0) \
         or itr % 10000 == 0 or itr == max_iter-1:
            data_size = len(feature_matrix)
            print 'Iteration %*d: Average log likelihood (of data points  [%0*d:%0*d]) = %.8f' % \
                (int(np.ceil(np.log10(max_iter))), itr, \
                 int(np.ceil(np.log10(data_size))), i, \
                 int(np.ceil(np.log10(data_size))), i+batch_size, lp)  

        # if we made a complete pass over data, shuffle and restart
        i += batch_size
        if i+batch_size > len(feature_matrix):
            permutation = np.random.permutation(len(feature_matrix))
            feature_matrix = feature_matrix[permutation,:]
            sentiment = sentiment[permutation]
            i = 0                

    # We return the list of log likelihoods for plotting purposes.
    return coefficients, log_likelihood_all

Note. In practice, the final set of coefficients is rarely used; it is better to use the average of the last K sets of coefficients instead, where K should be adjusted depending on how fast the log likelihood oscillates around the optimum.


The following cell tests your stochastic gradient ascent function using a toy dataset consisting of two data points. If the test does not pass, make sure you are normalizing the gradient update rule correctly.

In [46]:
sample_feature_matrix = np.array([[1.,2.,-1.], [1.,0.,1.]])
sample_sentiment = np.array([+1, -1])

coefficients, log_likelihood = logistic_regression_SG(sample_feature_matrix, sample_sentiment, np.zeros(3), step_size=1., batch_size=2, max_iter=2)
print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print 'Coefficients learned                 :', coefficients
print 'Average log likelihood per-iteration :', log_likelihood
if np.allclose(coefficients, np.array([-0.09755757,  0.68242552, -0.7799831]), atol=1e-3)\
  and np.allclose(log_likelihood, np.array([-0.33774513108142956, -0.2345530939410341])):
    # pass if elements match within 1e-3
    print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'Test passed!'
    print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'Test failed'

Iteration 0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [0:2]) = -0.33774513
Iteration 1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [0:2]) = -0.23455309
Coefficients learned                 : [-0.09755757  0.68242552 -0.7799831 ]
Average log likelihood per-iteration : [-0.33774513108142956, -0.2345530939410341]
Test passed!

Compare convergence behavior of stochastic gradient ascent

For the remainder of the assignment, we will compare stochastic gradient ascent against batch gradient ascent. For this, we need a reference implementation of batch gradient ascent. But do we need to implement this from scratch?

Quiz Question: For what value of batch size B above is the stochastic gradient ascent function logistic_regression_SG act as a standard gradient ascent algorithm? Hint: consider the training set we are using now.

Running gradient ascent using the stochastic gradient ascent implementation

Instead of implementing batch gradient ascent separately, we save time by re-using the stochastic gradient ascent function we just wrote — to perform gradient ascent, it suffices to set batch_size to the number of data points in the training data. Yes, we did answer above the quiz question for you, but that is an important point to remember in the future :)

Small Caveat. The batch gradient ascent implementation here is slightly different than the one in the earlier assignments, as we now normalize the gradient update rule.

We now run stochastic gradient ascent over the feature_matrix_train for 10 iterations using:

  • initial_coefficients = np.zeros(194)
  • step_size = 5e-1
  • batch_size = 1
  • max_iter = 10

In [47]:
coefficients, log_likelihood = logistic_regression_SG(feature_matrix_train, sentiment_train,\
                                        step_size=5e-1, batch_size=1, max_iter=10)

Iteration 0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00001]) = -0.25192908
Iteration 1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00001:00002]) = -0.00000001
Iteration 2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00002:00003]) = -0.12692771
Iteration 3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00003:00004]) = -0.02969101
Iteration 4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00004:00005]) = -0.02668819
Iteration 5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00005:00006]) = -0.04332901
Iteration 6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00006:00007]) = -0.02368802
Iteration 7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00007:00008]) = -0.12686897
Iteration 8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00008:00009]) = -0.04468879
Iteration 9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00009:00010]) = -0.00000124

In [50]:

Quiz Question. When you set batch_size = 1, as each iteration passes, how does the average log likelihood in the batch change?

  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Fluctuates

Now run batch gradient ascent over the feature_matrix_train for 200 iterations using:

  • initial_coefficients = np.zeros(194)
  • step_size = 5e-1
  • batch_size = len(feature_matrix_train)
  • max_iter = 200

In [51]:
coefficients_batch, log_likelihood_batch = logistic_regression_SG(feature_matrix_train, sentiment_train,\
                                        step_size=5e-1, batch_size=len(feature_matrix_train), max_iter=200)

Iteration   0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.68308119
Iteration   1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.67394599
Iteration   2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.66555129
Iteration   3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.65779626
Iteration   4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.65060701
Iteration   5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.64392241
Iteration   6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.63769009
Iteration   7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.63186462
Iteration   8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.62640636
Iteration   9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.62128063
Iteration  10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.61645691
Iteration  11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.61190832
Iteration  12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.60761103
Iteration  13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.60354390
Iteration  14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.59968811
Iteration  15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.59602682
Iteration 100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.49520194
Iteration 199: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.47126953

In [52]:

Quiz Question. When you set batch_size = len(feature_matrix_train), as each iteration passes, how does the average log likelihood in the batch change?

  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Fluctuates

Make "passes" over the dataset

To make a fair comparison betweeen stochastic gradient ascent and batch gradient ascent, we measure the average log likelihood as a function of the number of passes (defined as follows): $$ [\text{# of passes}] = \frac{[\text{# of data points touched so far}]}{[\text{size of dataset}]} $$

Quiz Question Suppose that we run stochastic gradient ascent with a batch size of 100. How many gradient updates are performed at the end of two passes over a dataset consisting of 50000 data points?


Log likelihood plots for stochastic gradient ascent

With the terminology in mind, let us run stochastic gradient ascent for 10 passes. We will use

  • step_size=1e-1
  • batch_size=100
  • initial_coefficients to all zeros.

In [53]:
step_size = 1e-1
batch_size = 100
num_passes = 10
num_iterations = num_passes * int(len(feature_matrix_train)/batch_size)

coefficients_sgd, log_likelihood_sgd = logistic_regression_SG(feature_matrix_train, sentiment_train,
                                       step_size=1e-1, batch_size=100, max_iter=num_iterations)

Iteration    0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -0.68251093
Iteration    1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -0.67845294
Iteration    2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -0.68207160
Iteration    3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -0.67411325
Iteration    4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -0.67804438
Iteration    5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -0.67712546
Iteration    6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -0.66377074
Iteration    7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -0.67321231
Iteration    8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -0.66923613
Iteration    9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -0.67479446
Iteration   10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -0.66501639
Iteration   11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -0.65591964
Iteration   12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -0.66240398
Iteration   13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -0.66440641
Iteration   14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -0.65782757
Iteration   15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -0.64571479
Iteration  100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -0.60976663
Iteration  200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -0.54566060
Iteration  300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -0.48245740
Iteration  400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -0.46629313
Iteration  500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -0.47223389
Iteration  600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -0.52216798
Iteration  700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -0.52336683
Iteration  800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -0.46963453
Iteration  900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -0.47883783
Iteration 1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -0.46988191
Iteration 2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -0.46365531
Iteration 3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -0.36466901
Iteration 4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -0.51096892
Iteration 4769: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -0.54670667

In [54]:

We provide you with a utility function to plot the average log likelihood as a function of the number of passes.

In [57]:
def make_plot(log_likelihood_all, len_data, batch_size, smoothing_window=1, label=''):
    plt.rcParams.update({'figure.figsize': (9,5)})
    log_likelihood_all_ma = np.convolve(np.array(log_likelihood_all), \
                                        np.ones((smoothing_window,))/smoothing_window, mode='valid')

    plt.plot(np.array(range(smoothing_window-1, len(log_likelihood_all)))*float(batch_size)/len_data,
             log_likelihood_all_ma, linewidth=4.0, label=label)
    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
    plt.xlabel('# of passes over data')
    plt.ylabel('Average log likelihood per data point')
    plt.legend(loc='lower right', prop={'size':14})

In [56]:
make_plot(log_likelihood_sgd, len_data=len(feature_matrix_train), batch_size=100,
          label='stochastic gradient, step_size=1e-1')

Smoothing the stochastic gradient ascent curve

The plotted line oscillates so much that it is hard to see whether the log likelihood is improving. In our plot, we apply a simple smoothing operation using the parameter smoothing_window. The smoothing is simply a moving average of log likelihood over the last smoothing_window "iterations" of stochastic gradient ascent.

In [58]:
make_plot(log_likelihood_sgd, len_data=len(feature_matrix_train), batch_size=100,
          smoothing_window=30, label='stochastic gradient, step_size=1e-1')

Checkpoint: The above plot should look smoother than the previous plot. Play around with smoothing_window. As you increase it, you should see a smoother plot.

Stochastic gradient ascent vs batch gradient ascent

To compare convergence rates for stochastic gradient ascent with batch gradient ascent, we call make_plot() multiple times in the same cell.

We are comparing:

  • stochastic gradient ascent: step_size = 0.1, batch_size=100
  • batch gradient ascent: step_size = 0.5, batch_size=len(feature_matrix_train)

Write code to run stochastic gradient ascent for 200 passes using:

  • step_size=1e-1
  • batch_size=100
  • initial_coefficients to all zeros.

In [59]:
step_size = 1e-1
batch_size = 100
num_passes = 200
num_iterations = num_passes * int(len(feature_matrix_train)/batch_size)

coefficients_sgd, log_likelihood_sgd = logistic_regression_SG(feature_matrix_train, sentiment_train,
                                       step_size=1e-1, batch_size=100, max_iter=num_iterations)

Iteration     0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -0.68251093
Iteration     1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -0.67845294
Iteration     2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -0.68207160
Iteration     3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -0.67411325
Iteration     4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -0.67804438
Iteration     5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -0.67712546
Iteration     6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -0.66377074
Iteration     7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -0.67321231
Iteration     8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -0.66923613
Iteration     9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -0.67479446
Iteration    10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -0.66501639
Iteration    11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -0.65591964
Iteration    12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -0.66240398
Iteration    13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -0.66440641
Iteration    14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -0.65782757
Iteration    15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -0.64571479
Iteration   100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -0.60976663
Iteration   200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -0.54566060
Iteration   300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -0.48245740
Iteration   400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -0.46629313
Iteration   500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -0.47223389
Iteration   600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -0.52216798
Iteration   700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -0.52336683
Iteration   800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -0.46963453
Iteration   900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -0.47883783
Iteration  1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -0.46988191
Iteration  2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -0.46365531
Iteration  3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -0.36466901
Iteration  4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -0.51096892
Iteration  5000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [23000:23100]) = -0.43544394
Iteration  6000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [27600:27700]) = -0.45656653
Iteration  7000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32200:32300]) = -0.42656766
Iteration  8000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [36800:36900]) = -0.39989352
Iteration  9000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [41400:41500]) = -0.45267388
Iteration 10000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [46000:46100]) = -0.45394262
Iteration 20000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [44300:44400]) = -0.48958438
Iteration 30000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42600:42700]) = -0.41913672
Iteration 40000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40900:41000]) = -0.45899229
Iteration 50000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [39200:39300]) = -0.46859254
Iteration 60000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [37500:37600]) = -0.41599369
Iteration 70000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [35800:35900]) = -0.49905981
Iteration 80000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [34100:34200]) = -0.45494095
Iteration 90000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32400:32500]) = -0.43220080
Iteration 95399: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -0.50265709

In [60]:
coefficients_batch, log_likelihood_batch = logistic_regression_SG(feature_matrix_train, sentiment_train,\
                                        step_size=5e-1, batch_size=len(feature_matrix_train), max_iter=200)

Iteration   0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.68308119
Iteration   1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.67394599
Iteration   2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.66555129
Iteration   3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.65779626
Iteration   4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.65060701
Iteration   5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.64392241
Iteration   6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.63769009
Iteration   7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.63186462
Iteration   8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.62640636
Iteration   9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.62128063
Iteration  10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.61645691
Iteration  11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.61190832
Iteration  12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.60761103
Iteration  13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.60354390
Iteration  14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.59968811
Iteration  15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.59602682
Iteration 100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.49520194
Iteration 199: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:47780]) = -0.47126953

We compare the convergence of stochastic gradient ascent and batch gradient ascent in the following cell. Note that we apply smoothing with smoothing_window=30.

In [61]:
make_plot(log_likelihood_sgd, len_data=len(feature_matrix_train), batch_size=100,
          smoothing_window=30, label='stochastic, step_size=1e-1')
make_plot(log_likelihood_batch, len_data=len(feature_matrix_train), batch_size=len(feature_matrix_train),
          smoothing_window=1, label='batch, step_size=5e-1')

Quiz Question: In the figure above, how many passes does batch gradient ascent need to achieve a similar log likelihood as stochastic gradient ascent?

  1. It's always better
  2. 10 passes
  3. 20 passes
  4. 150 passes or more

Explore the effects of step sizes on stochastic gradient ascent

In previous sections, we chose step sizes for you. In practice, it helps to know how to choose good step sizes yourself.

To start, we explore a wide range of step sizes that are equally spaced in the log space. Run stochastic gradient ascent with step_size set to 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1e0, 1e1, and 1e2. Use the following set of parameters:

  • initial_coefficients=np.zeros(194)
  • batch_size=100
  • max_iter initialized so as to run 10 passes over the data.

In [62]:
batch_size = 100
num_passes = 10
num_iterations = num_passes * int(len(feature_matrix_train)/batch_size)

coefficients_sgd = {}
log_likelihood_sgd = {}
for step_size in np.logspace(-4, 2, num=7):
    coefficients_sgd[step_size], log_likelihood_sgd[step_size] = logistic_regression_SG(feature_matrix_train, sentiment_train,\
                                       step_size=step_size, batch_size=batch_size, max_iter=num_iterations)

Iteration    0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -0.69313622
Iteration    1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -0.69313170
Iteration    2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -0.69313585
Iteration    3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -0.69312487
Iteration    4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -0.69313157
Iteration    5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -0.69313113
Iteration    6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -0.69311121
Iteration    7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -0.69312692
Iteration    8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -0.69312115
Iteration    9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -0.69312811
Iteration   10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -0.69311286
Iteration   11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -0.69310301
Iteration   12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -0.69310725
Iteration   13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -0.69311567
Iteration   14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -0.69310836
Iteration   15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -0.69308342
Iteration  100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -0.69298918
Iteration  200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -0.69277472
Iteration  300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -0.69228764
Iteration  400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -0.69222554
Iteration  500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -0.69186710
Iteration  600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -0.69230650
Iteration  700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -0.69174220
Iteration  800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -0.69139955
Iteration  900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -0.69123818
Iteration 1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -0.69088883
Iteration 2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -0.68976850
Iteration 3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -0.68569701
Iteration 4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -0.68597545
Iteration 4769: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -0.68736824
Iteration    0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -0.69303759
Iteration    1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -0.69299241
Iteration    2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -0.69303389
Iteration    3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -0.69292442
Iteration    4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -0.69299113
Iteration    5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -0.69298668
Iteration    6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -0.69278828
Iteration    7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -0.69294460
Iteration    8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -0.69288708
Iteration    9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -0.69295651
Iteration   10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -0.69280480
Iteration   11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -0.69270635
Iteration   12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -0.69274924
Iteration   13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -0.69283249
Iteration   14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -0.69275924
Iteration   15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -0.69251197
Iteration  100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -0.69158805
Iteration  200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -0.68946852
Iteration  300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -0.68492418
Iteration  400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -0.68415366
Iteration  500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -0.68114554
Iteration  600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -0.68489867
Iteration  700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -0.68027821
Iteration  800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -0.67693088
Iteration  900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -0.67561867
Iteration 1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -0.67367588
Iteration 2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -0.66156206
Iteration 3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -0.62798175
Iteration 4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -0.64157978
Iteration 4769: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -0.64571292
Iteration    0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -0.69205420
Iteration    1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -0.69160695
Iteration    2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -0.69201686
Iteration    3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -0.69095428
Iteration    4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -0.69159348
Iteration    5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -0.69154386
Iteration    6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -0.68964000
Iteration    7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -0.69112685
Iteration    8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -0.69056997
Iteration    9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -0.69124730
Iteration   10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -0.68980179
Iteration   11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -0.68882576
Iteration   12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -0.68929536
Iteration   13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -0.69003572
Iteration   14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -0.68929307
Iteration   15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -0.68702353
Iteration  100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -0.67916061
Iteration  200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -0.66049079
Iteration  300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -0.63235099
Iteration  400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -0.62183600
Iteration  500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -0.61150928
Iteration  600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -0.62979300
Iteration  700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -0.61553432
Iteration  800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -0.59156014
Iteration  900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -0.58842264
Iteration 1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -0.59076267
Iteration 2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -0.54480104
Iteration 3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -0.45761063
Iteration 4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -0.54362587
Iteration 4769: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -0.56306510
Iteration    0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -0.68251093
Iteration    1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -0.67845294
Iteration    2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -0.68207160
Iteration    3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -0.67411325
Iteration    4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -0.67804438
Iteration    5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -0.67712546
Iteration    6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -0.66377074
Iteration    7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -0.67321231
Iteration    8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -0.66923613
Iteration    9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -0.67479446
Iteration   10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -0.66501639
Iteration   11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -0.65591964
Iteration   12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -0.66240398
Iteration   13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -0.66440641
Iteration   14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -0.65782757
Iteration   15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -0.64571479
Iteration  100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -0.60976663
Iteration  200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -0.54566060
Iteration  300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -0.48245740
Iteration  400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -0.46629313
Iteration  500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -0.47223389
Iteration  600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -0.52216798
Iteration  700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -0.52336683
Iteration  800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -0.46963453
Iteration  900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -0.47883783
Iteration 1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -0.46988191
Iteration 2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -0.46365531
Iteration 3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -0.36466901
Iteration 4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -0.51096892
Iteration 4769: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -0.54670667
Iteration    0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -0.61201447
Iteration    1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -0.58843678
Iteration    2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -0.59771677
Iteration    3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -0.58770466
Iteration    4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -0.56939710
Iteration    5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -0.57554451
Iteration    6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -0.54068090
Iteration    7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -0.55212916
Iteration    8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -0.55311029
Iteration    9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -0.57672007
Iteration   10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -0.55455807
Iteration   11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -0.49771894
Iteration   12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -0.54708765
Iteration   13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -0.54286814
Iteration   14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -0.52361054
Iteration   15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -0.49731367
Iteration  100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -0.50102061
Iteration  200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -0.42406927
Iteration  300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -0.35064478
Iteration  400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -0.38344116
Iteration  500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -0.40170047
Iteration  600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -0.45117863
Iteration  700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -0.46493371
Iteration  800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -0.45343350
Iteration  900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -0.43128394
Iteration 1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -0.43169967
Iteration 2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -0.43029376
Iteration 3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -0.32703099
Iteration 4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -0.49162447
Iteration 4769: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -0.52452720
Iteration    0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -0.51319004
Iteration    1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -2.20035379
Iteration    2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -3.34199720
Iteration    3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -3.06285156
Iteration    4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -2.80822162
Iteration    5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -2.99629286
Iteration    6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -2.71489944
Iteration    7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -3.61713200
Iteration    8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -1.19526584
Iteration    9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -0.75357081
Iteration   10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -0.71310829
Iteration   11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -0.59361318
Iteration   12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -1.53764659
Iteration   13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -2.69588686
Iteration   14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -1.89731473
Iteration   15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -0.81254441
Iteration  100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -1.19013437
Iteration  200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -0.48968363
Iteration  300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -0.72860037
Iteration  400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -0.58719556
Iteration  500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -0.31220572
Iteration  600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -1.89468446
Iteration  700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -0.96096585
Iteration  800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -0.66616640
Iteration  900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -0.46114004
Iteration 1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -0.47236476
Iteration 2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -0.45227508
Iteration 3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -0.29378688
Iteration 4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -2.47834692
Iteration 4769: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -2.48776279
Iteration    0: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00000:00100]) = -2.44471310
Iteration    1: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00100:00200]) = -36.66862050
Iteration    2: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00200:00300]) = -25.49870239
Iteration    3: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00300:00400]) = -40.14565040
Iteration    4: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00400:00500]) = -27.03748522
Iteration    5: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00500:00600]) = -32.62294582
Iteration    6: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00600:00700]) = -25.88017915
Iteration    7: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00700:00800]) = -37.30720216
Iteration    8: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00800:00900]) = -10.87360529
Iteration    9: Average log likelihood (of data points  [00900:01000]) = -6.60878996
Iteration   10: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01000:01100]) = -7.15375088
Iteration   11: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01100:01200]) = -6.04741293
Iteration   12: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01200:01300]) = -18.17389834
Iteration   13: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01300:01400]) = -27.14619228
Iteration   14: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01400:01500]) = -20.50685042
Iteration   15: Average log likelihood (of data points  [01500:01600]) = -7.74332305
Iteration  100: Average log likelihood (of data points  [10000:10100]) = -10.64501704
C:\Users\SSQ\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python27\site-packages\ipykernel\ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
Iteration  200: Average log likelihood (of data points  [20000:20100]) = -4.03683737
Iteration  300: Average log likelihood (of data points  [30000:30100]) = -4.91569001
C:\Users\SSQ\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python27\site-packages\ipykernel\ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
Iteration  400: Average log likelihood (of data points  [40000:40100]) = -3.51356398
Iteration  500: Average log likelihood (of data points  [02300:02400]) = -4.67216092
Iteration  600: Average log likelihood (of data points  [12300:12400]) = -14.70179014
Iteration  700: Average log likelihood (of data points  [22300:22400]) = -10.87664610
Iteration  800: Average log likelihood (of data points  [32300:32400]) = -6.71476792
Iteration  900: Average log likelihood (of data points  [42300:42400]) = -6.93870049
Iteration 1000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [04600:04700]) = -3.52001832
Iteration 2000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [09200:09300]) = -3.55760545
Iteration 3000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [13800:13900]) = -2.26073993
Iteration 4000: Average log likelihood (of data points  [18400:18500]) = -17.87280431
Iteration 4769: Average log likelihood (of data points  [47600:47700]) = -26.65758149

Plotting the log likelihood as a function of passes for each step size

Now, we will plot the change in log likelihood using the make_plot for each of the following values of step_size:

  • step_size = 1e-4
  • step_size = 1e-3
  • step_size = 1e-2
  • step_size = 1e-1
  • step_size = 1e0
  • step_size = 1e1
  • step_size = 1e2

For consistency, we again apply smoothing_window=30.

In [63]:
for step_size in np.logspace(-4, 2, num=7):
    make_plot(log_likelihood_sgd[step_size], len_data=len(train_data), batch_size=100,
              smoothing_window=30, label='step_size=%.1e'%step_size)

Now, let us remove the step size step_size = 1e2 and plot the rest of the curves.

In [64]:
for step_size in np.logspace(-4, 2, num=7)[0:6]:
    make_plot(log_likelihood_sgd[step_size], len_data=len(train_data), batch_size=100,
              smoothing_window=30, label='step_size=%.1e'%step_size)

Quiz Question: Which of the following is the worst step size? Pick the step size that results in the lowest log likelihood in the end.

  1. 1e-2
  2. 1e-1
  3. 1e0
  4. 1e1
  5. 1e2

Quiz Question: Which of the following is the best step size? Pick the step size that results in the highest log likelihood in the end.

  1. 1e-4
  2. 1e-2
  3. 1e0
  4. 1e1
  5. 1e2

In [ ]: